L-5./7. Fragrant Memories
Hovering in his memories, Archie thought for a moment that he remembered his grandmother's delicious recipe. Of course, he'd love share this dish with all of us.
L-5./6. Way to the Capable Hands!
Any craft needs the right tools. The more reliable the tool, the better the work. But none of this matters if there is nowhere to make this tool.
L-5./5. Agrarian Crops
Thanks to Nionga, we learn a lot of new and useful things. The girl knows a lot about growing a wide variety of plant species. It's worth combining her theory and our practical skills.
L-5./4. Food for Thought
Nionga told us an incredible story about the local people's lives. There's no knowing what happens next, but we have a little time to reflect on the information received while doing something useful.
L-5./3. Loyal Bodyguard
Having survived the fierce fight with the jaguar, the princess's bodyguard needs to have some rest to recover. Invite him to our little settlement.
L-5./2. Unexpected Turn
Having unlocked the jungle territory, you found a man who wash fighting a jaguar and in the process of the fight called Nionga a princess. The story takes an unexpected turn.
L-5./1. Jungle Calls
While trying to learn more about the mysterious Nionga, Archie heard some noise coming from the northern part of the jungle. Let's find out right now what's going on there.
L-4./7. Joy for the Stomach
Archie has been given a wonderful opportunity to show his culinary skills. No more raw clams, only freshly cooked soups!
L-4./6. Seafood Hunt
To cook clam soup, however strange it may seem, we need clams. The nets we have at hand will make a suitable means for catching them.
L-4./5. Cooking Equipment
Eating raw food can lead to undesirable consequences. Luckily, Nionga knows how organize culinary production.
L-4./4. Knowledge Exchange
Nionga is intrigued by our juice-making invention. The girl has obviously never seen such devices before.
L-4./3. Heroine of the Tropical Tale
The girl we've saved seems to be a representative of the locals. Fit up a dwelling for the girl in our humble abode so that she can recoup strength.
L-4./2. Damsel in Need
While exploring the new territories in search of useful finds, our characters have discovered a pit, from which a curious but unkown person is desperately trying to get out.
L-4./1. Territory Expansion
Our little abode is gradually getting bigger. The exploration of the nearby beach will allow us to expand our settlement, as well as learn more about the local environment.
L-3./7. Marvel of Technology
While exploring the neighborhoods, Archie has come across a survived juicer. It's a bit damaged, but we can still make it work.
L-3./6. First Sowing
After providing your settlement with a constant supply of freshwater, you'll be able to start growing fruits and vegetables.
L-3./5. Humble but Cozy
Coral Isle 2 Tropical Stories Level 03 Task
Maybe, our small settlement is plain, but it can become quite a cozy corner. The main thing is to maintain order in it! Should we probably choose another, more suitable place for the hovel?
Lehet, hogy a településünk egyszerű, de hangulatos sarokká tehetjük. A legfontosabb az, hogy tartsunk rendet benne! Talán keresnünk kell egy másik helyet a kunyhónak.
L-3./2. Paradise in the Hovel
Coral Isle 2 Tropical Stories Level 03 Task
Now that we have enough natural materials and it has become much more spacious around us, we can start building a secure shelter.
L-3./1. Survival Skills
In the new surroundings, there are new interesting things. Explore the are in search of all sorts of useful stuff, thereby developing your island survival skills.
Az új környezetben új érdekes dolgokat találsz. Fedezd fel a környéket, egy csomó hasznos dolgot találsz, amelyek segítenek növelni a túlélési esélyeid.
L-2./7. To New Shores!
Task 7. (Coral Isle 2 - Level 2.)
7. To New Shores
Our 'ship' is ready for the voyage, hip-hip hurrah! Food stocks are here, two injured but unconquered passengers are on. Time to leave this island for goods!
A 'hajód' készen áll az utazásra, hip-hip hurrá! Az élelmiszerkészletek a fedélzeten és a két sérült, de meghódítatlan utas is. Ideje végleg elhagyni a szigetet!
L-2./5. Getting Ready for The Crossing
Task 5 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 2.)
5. Getting Ready for The Crossing
We have go look for the mainland and the other survivors. For the crossing we need to build a raft, and the materials collected earlier will help to construct it.
Mennünk kell megkeresni a szárazföldet és a további túlélőket. Ehhez tutajt kell építeni a korábban összegyűjtött anyagok segítségével.
L-2./4. Inspecting the Wreckage
Task 4 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 2.)
4. Inspecting the Wreckage
The aircraft's wreckage is scattered all over the island. We could use them to build a raft that will help us leave this island.
A repülőgép roncsai szétszóródtak az egész szigeten. Használjuk őket egy tutaj megépítéséhez, ami segít elhagyni a szigetet.
L-2./3. Careful Examination
Task 3 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 2.)
2. Careful Examination
The airplane cabin fallen in the middle of the island, remind of the horror that you've endured. Who should carefully examine this part of the crashed airplane in search of anything useful.
A sziget közepére zuhant kabin emlékeztet az elszenvedett borzalomra.Vizsgáld át alaposan, hátha talász valami hasznosat!
L-2./2. Natural Resources
Task 2 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 2.)
2. Natural Resources
The local climate can be absolutely unpredictable and, as we can see, we won't have anywhere to hide from the tropical rain on this island. We should start collecting construction materials for the shelter.
Az itteni éghajlat teljesen kiszámíthatatlan és mint láthatjuk, nincs hová elbújni előle a szigeten. El kell kezdenünk építőanyagot gyűjteni egy kis menedékház építéséhez.
L-2./1. Gift of the Sea
Task 1 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 2.)
1. Gift of the Sea
While Archie is struggling to reconcile himself to the fact of the plane crash, explore the surroundings for the ashore-driven starfishes.
Amíg Archie igyekszik beletörődni abba a ténybe, hogy baleset érte, fedezd fel a part környékét és keresd meg a tengeri csillagokat!
L-1./4. Born Rescuer
Task 4 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 1.)
4. Born Rescuer
Awesome! Thanks to you, Archie is fine now.
You have made a great achievement in saving a human life!
For your success in survival issues, you will get valuable rewards.
You have made a great achievement in saving a human life!
For your success in survival issues, you will get valuable rewards.
A Fantasztikus! Archie most végre jól van.
Szép gesztus, hogy megmentettél egy emberéletet.
Az eddigi sikeres túlélésért értékes jutalmat kapsz!
L-1./3. Surviving Passanger
Task 3 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 1.)
3. Surviving Passanger
While exploring the island, we found a lad lying unconscious.
He, like us, survived the plane crash.
Quick, we need to bring the injured man back to his senses!
He, like us, survived the plane crash.
Quick, we need to bring the injured man back to his senses!
A sziget felfedezésekor találtunk egy eszméletlen fickót. Akárcsak mi, ő is túlélte a balesetet.
Gyorsan magához kell térítenünk!
L-1./2. Anything that May Come in Handy
Task 2 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 1.)
1. Anything that May Come in Handy
On the ground we've found a box that survived the crash.
We need to open it and check the contents.
In this situation any supplies will come in handy.
Találtunk egy dobozt, amely túlélte a balesetet.
Ki kell nyitnunk, hogy ellenőrizzük a tartalmát.
Ebben a helyzetben minden ellátmány jól jön!
L-1./1. Crash Survivors
Task 1 (Coral Isle 2 - Level 1.)
1. Crash Survivors
A few hours after the crash, you find yourself on a small tropical island.
In such circumstances, anyone may get confused.
Surely, a gulp of fresh water will help you refresh and collect your thoughts.
Néhány órával a baleset után egy kis trópusi szigeten találod magad.
Ilyen körülmények között bárki összezavarodhat.
Egy korty friss víz biztosan segít felfrissülni és összeszedni a gondolataidat.
Néhány órával a baleset után egy kis trópusi szigeten találod magad.
Ilyen körülmények között bárki összezavarodhat.
Egy korty friss víz biztosan segít felfrissülni és összeszedni a gondolataidat.
Hello, our friend!
We are happy to invite you to the wonderful world of CI2: Tropical Stories, which we have complemented with a lot of new stories and quality content, filled with all the best from Coral Isle and in which we have implemented a huge number of amazing ideas sent by you!
We've worked really hard to launch the game globally in record time so that each of you can continue the fascinating story of the coral island! And will appreciate your feedback
New adventures with your favorite characters are just beginning!
Enjoy playing the game!
CI2 Tropical Stories Team
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